Previous Experience:
Eurohyp AG
Banque LBLux S.A.
Duesseldorfer Hypothekenbank AG
Frankfurt School of Finance
and Management
Paolo Rosso
Mr. Rosso is a Partner at LCN Capital Partners covering the European market with special focus on sourcing, underwriting, structuring, acquiring and financing in Western and Southern Europe.
Prior to that, he has held different positions in the finance industry and has extensive experience and more than 18 years in business origination, development, analysis and transaction management. Mr. Rosso started his finance and real estate career at Eurohypo AG (Commerzbank Group), one of the leading real estate lenders in Europe, and expanded the bank’s lending business in Italy. He later joined Banque LBLux S.A. (BayernLB Group) and originated corporate and real estate debt in the Benelux area for real estate as well as project finance transactions. He was mandated by Duesseldorfer Hypothekenbank AG (Lone Star Group), to expand its real estate lending business in The Netherlands and managed the bank’s entry into the Spanish market. Mr. Rosso originated, structured and negotiated commercial real estate transactions in various European countries covering different real estate asset classes, either cash-flow generating or complex development projects.
Mr. Rosso graduated with a Bachelor’s degree from Frankfurt School of Finance and Management where he majored in Banking and Management at and holds a Certified Real Estate Investment Analyst IREBS DVFA and bank officer diploma.